Packaging Software for 3D Package Design
Why work in a flat world if packaging is not ?
Studio è un eccezionale kit di strumenti per la progettazione del packaging in 3D, creato appositamente per i professionisti nel campo della grafica per il packaging.
Studio is an unique toolkit for 3D packaging design, designed specifically for professionals in the graphics field for packaging.
Studio enables you to produce a more high quality graphics . Whether you are a designer intent to experiment with new ideas or prepress operators to check with the control of a draft, with Studio you can have virtually in your hands the result of your work.
Studio is also an advanced communication tool for the creation of amazing 3D effects to show the customer, whether it is a PDF files with 3D content, or movies, or the image of a virtual package.
Other 3D tools may be too complicated. It can take hours to create the model and the rendering of an image. Studio is simple and fast, as it integrates with the tools already available to you (such as Adobe ® Illustrator ®), uses your existing data and speaks the language of the packaging.